Of Fibers and Mutants
13.05. to 03.06.2022
Gedok Stuttgart
In their preoccupation with natural materials: paper, wood, pigment, water, earth and stone, the two artists address a tension that arises through contrasts in form and content. Silke Schwab shows mostly black and white paper cuts, woodcuts, drawings and collages, while Barbara Karsch-Chaïeb installs an expansive sculpture made of bamboo, sisal, paper and pigment. They invite the visitors to follow the fine fibres and stable building materials from the microcosm of our safe and closed world into the macrocosm of uncertainty and emptiness, but also opening and change.
On Saturday, 21 May, a lecture by Kirsten Seydelmann (V4V Zukunft durch Verantwortung gGmbH) entitled “Knowledge, Values, World, Change” will take place at 4 pm.
Photo above: View into the exhibition in the Gedok-Gallery
Photo credits: Ulrike Reichart