Memory spaces - The archive of Barbara Karsch-Chaieb

Memory spaces-
The archive, 2023

Collection / Archive

Photographs, texts, relics, books in archive boxes on a shelf, approx. 100 x 80 cm, height 160 cm. Pictures and photos on the wall, flexible selection.

The archive was collected for the first time for the exhibition entitled Memory spaces and exhibited in the Kulturbunker in Stuttgart in November 2023. The bunker itself was used as a kind of memory, history and story space. The artist’s collected materials, organised in boxes, were presented as an archive in their own right. Photographs and text fragments were removed and showed without naming the places, people, etc. in the pictures in order to present them to the viewer as objectively and without judgement as possible. In this way, it was possible to engage in interesting conversations and discussions with the visitors.

A list of the archived materials was displayed so that visitors could select topics to view in the corresponding archive box after making an appointment, as is usual in archives.

Memory spaces – The archive,
The exhibition in the Kulturbunker Stuttgart was presented from November 17 to 29, 2023.
Bildrechte / rights of the images: VG Bild-Kunst Bonn, Barbara Karsch-Chaïeb.

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remove; apply; carry away, 2023